What I Live, What I Love, What I Learn

Archive for February, 2013

Mission: Teaching and Learning Headspace

Teaching and learning. Professional learning. Leading learning. All of this means nothing without achieving better student learning. And so I begin the challenge of developing a Teaching & Learning (TL) Professional Learning program to develop staff at my school to better support student learning at my school. Simple, right? (more…)

Missing Key to PD?

I’ve become very disillusioned with many opportunities for professional development (PD) and professional learning.
Let me rephrase that – I’ve become very disillusioned with some people’s views of professional development and how it should be delivered. The expectation of attending a PD session just to be a passive sponge is no longer relevant to many of us for professional learning. Just as this is no longer accepted as effective or engaging classroom teaching and learning strategy.

Week 1 Wins!

Six days into the new school year and the summer holidays are but a blur. Week 2 is knocking at the door and it will be super-packed with whole-school events in full swing. But I thought I’d take a breather and reflect on the fantastic first week that was.
